Bihar Board Class 10Th English Objective (2018)

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Bihar Board Class 10Th English Objective (2018)

Part – A

Choose the most suitable option from the choices given: 

 1. The main character in “Pace for Living”, which the author saw was a/an …… corn merchant
(A) elderly
(B) handicapped
(C) young
(D) diabetic
2. The author admits that quick travel does not give the traveller the real ….. of travel .
(A) pains
(B) pleasure
 (C) living
(D) holiday
3. Jim asked Mr. Greene to keep the old newspapers for the school-going children who………… them?
(A) burnt
 (B) bought
(C) read
(D) collected
4. Jim told Mr. Johnson that it would reduce……….. and save ecology if he did not use travelling to short distances
 (A) petrol
 (B) pollution
 (C) weight
 (D) diesel
5. When the narrator sat down to write, Gillu wanted to catch her…..
 (A) attention
 (B) pen
 (C) papers
 (D) hair
6. Gillu’s favourite food was
(A) rice
 (B) bread
 (C) kaju
(D) jam
7. In “What is wrong with Indian Films? the author compares Indian films with … films
 (A) Korean
 (B) Japanese
 (C) Western
 (D) Pakistani
8. The Cinema……….. in various measures the function of poetry, music painting, drama, architecture and a host of other arts, major and minor
 (A) combines
 (B) destroys
(C) deletes
(D) rescues
9. Aris firmly believed that his mother would have accepted the prize for all the ……….. of Burma, not for herself
(A) people
(B) monks
(C) politicians
 (D) soldiers
10. Who is the writer of “Acceptance Speech”?
(A) Toni Morrison
(B) Aung San Suu Kyi
(C) Jon Lexau
(D) Leo Tolstoy
11. The old woman was …….. enough to know she could not help the young people
(A) stupid
(B) intelligent
(C) strong
 (D) suspicious
12. Who is the writer of “Once upon a Time”?
(A) R.C. Hutchinson
(B) Toni Morrison
(C) Leo Tolstoy
(D) Satyajit Ray
13. Indians have shown the power to make …….  changes and of becoming used to new situations
(A) big
(B) little
(C) monstrous
(D) gigantic
14. Where have old civilisation and culture grown and changed ?
(A) India and China
(B) England
(C) America
(D) None of these
15. The old woman tried to make everyone understand that as it was Easter the day should be spent …….
(A) sadly
(B) happily
 (C) angrily
 (D) jealously
16. Which festival is referred to by the writer in “Little Girls Wiser than Men”?
(A) Holi
(B) Diwali
(C) Easter
(D) None of these
17. The townspeople do not enjoy any real ………..
(A) scenery
(B) food
 (C) drink
(D) fun
 18. A happy man’s wants are satisfied by the property inherited by him from his ……..
(A) uncle
 (B) mother
 (C) cousin
 (D) father
19. “Polythene Bag” has been composed by ………..
(A) Durga Prasad Panda
(B) Periasamy Thooran
(C) Puran Singh
(D) Laxmi Prasad Devkota
20. Lord Krishna had not met …… for some time.
(A) Radha
(B) Sudama
(C) Vidyapati
(D) Yashoda
21. There was a ………..which had the power to grant wishes.
(A) snake
(B) pigeon
(C) tree
(D) temple
22. The high pitched strains of the Koel wakes in the poet’s soul a thousand ……..
(A) dreams
 (B) desires
 (C) memories
 (D) longings
23. As a result of very hard work, the porter’s ……….. beat was fast
(A) pulse
(B) heart
(C) nerves
(D) muscles
24. Martha used to tell her stories in the hazel …..
(A) forest
(B) mountain
(C) riverbank
(D) glen
25. Munni advised Halku to hire himself out, as a …..
(A) tenant
 (B) labourer
(C) farmer
(D) shopkeeper
26. A person has to be exposed to the particular…. for some time to become allergic to it.
(A) symptom
(B) antigen
(C) allergen
(D) protein
27. The banker decided to murder the…..
(A) guard
(B) servant
(C) gardener
(D) lawyer
28. For Mr. Gessler, boot making was a/an …….
(A) art
(B) burden
(C) job
(D) time pass
29. Sun and Moon went downstairs hand in hand to meet the ……..
(A) guests
(B) relatives
(C) neighbours
(D) friends
30. “Love Defiled” is a story about the relationship of the narrator with his ……..
(A) brother
(B) girl friend
(C) sister
 (D) cousin
Directions for questions 31-33: Choose the passive voice of the given sentences:
31. Is the writing a story?
(A) A story is written by him.
(B) Is a story being written by him?
 (C) Is a story written by him.
 (D) None of these
32. We should not punish him.
(A) He should not punished by us
(B) He should be punished by us
(C) He should not be punished by us.
(D) None of these
 33. She helped me.
(A) I was helping her.
(B) I was helped by her.
(C) I was helping by her.
 (D) None of these
Directions for questions 34-36: Choose the indirect speech of the given sentences:
 34. She said to her daughter, “Study well to get success in your life”.
 (A) She advised her daughter to study well to get success in her life.
 (B) She advised her daughter for study well to get success in life.
(C) She advised her daughter to study to get success in life.
(D) She advised her daughter for study well to get success in her life.
35. He says, “I am going to Patna”.
(A) He asked me what I wanted.
(B) He says that he is going to Patna.
 (C) He says that he was going to Patna.
 (D) None of these
 36. He said to me, “What do you want?”
(A) He asked me what I wanted.
 (B) He asked me that what I wanted.
(C) He asked me what I want. Direct
(D) None of these
Directions for questions 37-39: Choose the suitable verb-in-agreement with its subject:
37. Rice and Curry……….. his favourite food.
(A) is
(B) are
(C) were
(D) have
38. The honest ….. poor.
(A) is
(B) are
(C) was
(D) none of these
39. Nothing but snow ………. Seen.
(A) have
(B) are
(C) has
(D) none of these
Directions for questions 40-42: Choose the most suitable prepositions:
40. He is known ……… me.
(A) to
(B) on
(C) with
(D) from
41. He went to the village …….. foot.
(A) from
(B) by
(C) on
(D) in
42. The rat is afraid …….. cat.
(A) at
(B) of
(C) for
(D) from
Directions for questions 43-45: Choose the correct spelling of the each given word:
43. Autitorium
(A) Auditorim
(B) Auditorium
(C) Auditarium
(D) Auditorum
44. Professer
(A) Professor
(B) Proffesor
(C) Profesor
(D) Profesar
45. Neighoring
(A) Neighbouring
 (B) Neghboring
(C) Neboring
(D) Negbouring
Directions for questions 31-33: Choose the most suitable English translation:
 46. मेरे स्टेशन पहुँचने के पहले गाड़ी खुल चुकी थी।
(A) The train had started before I reach the station
(B) The train had started before I reached the station.
(C) The train has started before I reached the station.
 (D) None of these
47. मैं तैरना जानता हूँ।
(A) I know how to swim.
(B) I knew how to swim.
(C) I am known how to swim.
(D) None of these
48. तैरना एक कला है।
(A) Swimming are an art.
(B) Swimming is an art.
 (C) Swimming is a art.
 (D) None of these
49. वहाँ सभी धर्मों के लोग रहते हैं।
 (A) The people of all religions lives here.
 (B) The people of all religion lived here.
 (C) The people of all religions live here.
 (D) None of these
50. आज बहुत गर्मी पड़ रही है।
(A) It is hot today.
(B) It was extremely hot today.
(C) It was hot today.
(D) None of these

Part – B

Choose the most suitable option from the choices given:

1. “The Pace for Living” is written by ….
(A) Aung San Suu Kyi
(B) Toni Morrison
(C) R.C. Hutchinson
(D) Satyajit Ray
 2. In “The Pace for Living”, the writer captures the agony of ……….. man.
(A) modern
(B) ancient
(C) future
(D) uncivilized
3. In “Me and the Ecology Bit”, he narrator talks about how he advises every body what they should do to protect the ………
(A) elderly
(B) ecology
(C) children
 (D) pedestrians
4. The narrator told Mr. Williams not to burn leaves as it is ….. for the air and ecology. 
(A) excellent
 (B) bad
(C) good
 (D) helpful
5. “Gillu” is about true friendship between a human being and a/an…….
(A) animal
(B) alien
(C) micro organism
(D) ghost
6. Everyone told the narrator that the squirrel would not ……… after being attacked so badly by the crows.
(A) move
(B) eat
(C) live
(D) sleep
7. The raw material of Cinema is  ……… itself. 
(A) Studio
(B) camera
 (C) hall
(D) life
8. What our Cinema needs about everything else is a style, an idiom, a sort of ……… of cinema which would be uniquely and recognisably Indian. 
(A) finance
 (B) studio
(C) committee
(D) iconography
9. Aung San Suu Kyi was fighting for in Burma.
 (A) democracy
(B) dictatorship
(C) monarchy
 (D) tyranny
 10. The Nobel peace prize was give to Suu Kyi in ……….
 (A) 1992
 (B) 2000
 (C) 1990
 (D) 1991
11. The old women was ……
(A) foolish
(B) wise
(C) shy
(D) bold
12. The young people asked the old woman a question. Whose answer could only be  given by one who could ……….
(A) hear
(B) smell
(C) read
(D) see
13. Culture is always a complex of ……… strands of varying importance and vitality. 
 (A) two
(B) three
 (C) four
(D) many
14. In India, the difference between the masses and classes is not one of quality but of information and ……..
(A) opportunity
(B) food
(C) dress
(D) hair
15. Malasha’s ……… come our and started scolding Akulya’s mother.
(A) father
(B) brother
(C) sister
(D) mother
16. The two girls forgot their ……. and became friends again. 
(A) anger
(B) jealousy
(C) envy
(D) farms
17. According to the poet, health and virtue can be found in …….
(A) towns
(B) cities
(C) villages
(D) factories
18. “Ode on Solitude” is written by …….
(A) Alexander Pope
(B) Leo Tolstoy
(C) R.C. Hutchinson
(D) Toni Morrison
19. The polythene bag melts down when a little……… is applied.
(A) chemical
(B) fertilizer
(C) warmth
(D) water
20. Vidyapati’s poems are about Radha and ………
(A) Ram
(B) Sita
(C) Krishna
(D) Vishnu
21. Greed is ……… but life is not.
 (A) worthy
 (B) bad
 (C) good
(D) endless
22. The poet asks the Koel, what has ….. her. 
 (A) hurt
 (B) forgotten
 (C) told
(D) longings
 23. The porter was going up a …..……
(A) road
 (B) lane
(C) cliff
(D) platform
24. The poet knew Martha when he was a ……… 
(A) servant
(B) child
(C) shopkeeper
(D) teacher
25. Halku worked as ………
(A) a tenant farmer
(B) an engineer
(C) a supervisor
(D) a doctor
26. Sheets, mattress pad and blanket should be washed …..  in hot water. 
 (A) monthly
 (B) daily
 (C) weekly
(D) yearly
27. The bet was struck between the banker and the ………
 (A) lawyer
 (B) scholar
 (C) journalist
 (D) doctor
28. Mr. Gessler was a … boot maker.
 (A) Russian
(B) German
 (C) French
(D) English
29. The most fancy food item was the ice ……… 
(A) cake
(B) pudding
(C) pastry
(D) chocolate
30. The letters are exchanged between a mother and ……….
(A) son
(B) father
(C) daughter
(D) mother-in-law
Directions for questions 31-33: Choose the passive voice of the given sentences:
 31. My teacher has to teach me
(A) I have to taught by my teacher
(B) I has to be taught by my teacher
 (C) I have to be taught by my teacher
(D) None of these
32. Trees provides oxygen
(A) Oxygen is provided by trees
(B) Oxygen are provided by trees
 (C) Trees are provided by oxygen
(D) None of these
33. He had spent many a happy hour 
(A) Many a happy hr was spent by him.
 (B) Many a happy hr had been spent by him.
(C) Many a happy hr had spent by him.
 (D) None of these.
Directions for questions 34-36: Choose the indirect speech of the given sentences:
34. Ram said to Mohan, “Stand-up on the bench”
(A) Ram ordered Mohan to stand-up on the bench.
(B) Ram said to Mohan to stand-up on the bench.
 (C) Ram said Mohan to stand-up on the bench.
 (D) None of these.
35. Radha said, “I want to go to school”.
 (A) Radha said, “I want to go to school”.
 (B) Radha said that she wants to go to school.
(C) Radha said that she want to go to school.
(D) None of these.
36. She said, “I saw the film yesterday”
 (A) She said that she had seen the film yesterday.
(B) She said that she had seen the film the previous day.
 (C) She said that she had seen the film last day.
 (D) None of these.
Directions for questions 37-39: Choose the suitable verb-in- agreement with its subject: 
37. There ……… two errors in your work.
(A) is
(B) was
(C) shall
(D) are
38. No news ……… good news.
(A) is
(B) are
(C) have
(D) were
39. The colour of these houses…… white.
(A) are
(B) is
(C) were
(D) have
Directions for questions 40-42: Choose the most suitable prepositions: 
40. He was knowcked down ……… bus.
(A) by
(B) to
(C) in
(D) with
41. The boy is interested ……… painting.
(A) at
(B) in
(C) to
(D) for
42. He felt pity …….. the poor.
(A) to
(B) in
(C) for
(D) of
Directions for questions 43-45: Choose the correct spelling of the each given word:
43. Allready
(A) Allredy
(B) Already
(C) Allreddy
(D) None of these
44. Comitee
(A) Committee
(B) Comittee
(C) Commitee
(D) None of these
45. Gennune
(A) Genuine
 (B) Gennuine
 (C) Genuinne
(D) None of these
 Directions for questions 31-33: Choose the most suitable English translation:
 46. क्या पटना गंगा नदी के किनारे बसा है ? 
(A) Patna is situated on the bank of the Ganga.
(B) Patna is situated in the bank of the Ganga.
(C) Is Patna situated on the bank of the Ganga?
 (D) None of these.
47. खेलना एक प्रकार का व्यायाम है।
(A) Playing is kind of exercise.
(B) Playing are a kind of exercise.
(C) To play are a kind of exercise.
(D) None of these.
48. मैं नाश्ता कर चुका हूँ
(A) I have taken my breakfast.
(B) I had taken my breakfast.
(C) I has taken my breakfast.
(D) None of these
49. उसकी आवाज बहुत प्यारी है।
 (A) His voice is very sweet.
(B) His voice was very sweet.
 (C) Her voice has sweet.
(D) None of these
50. मैंने एक सपना देखा।
 (A) I see a dream.
(B) I saw a dream.
(C) I was seen an dream.
(D) None of these

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