You are Vishal. Write a speech in about 60-70 words on ‘Stay Safe, Stay Healthy during Covid Times’.

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You are Vishal. Write a speech in about 60-70 words on ‘Stay Safe, Stay Healthy during Covid Times’.


Honourable Principal, respected teachers and my dear friends.
I am Suresh of class-X. Today the topic of my speech is ‘Stay Safe, Stay Healthy during Covid Times.’
In the recent Covid-19 Panademic outbreak around the globe. It has opened us our eyes to new horizons of human life in order to survive. The spread of the virus is so rampant that humans are scrambling to implement precautionary measures to stay safe and healthy and prevent infection of the Covid-19 virus.
Other control measures include social distancing maintaining personal hygiene, reducing human interaction enforcing quarantine protocol educating the masses on the virus and temperature checking. We need to remain, cautions and abide by the control measures in place stay safe and stay Healthy.
Thank you

हमसे जुड़ें, हमें फॉलो करे ..

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